Monday, 31 October 2011

♥ Monday Etsy Loves ♥ Latest Loves & a little bit of Halloween ♥

Happy Halloween!
This week I'm listing my latest loves with a few Halloween pieces thrown in
Hope you find something you like

1. Wicked Faerie Queen
I love this vintage style black cat decoration

2. Ma Magasin
This is really pretty and I love the colours

3. Laonato
These are so sweet and dainty

4. James Keniston
Love this illustration of a San Francisco street

5. Chubby Ninja Crafts
This is so cute!

6. Wild Flower Makery
A little Sisco!

7. Sweetly Wrapped
How sweet is this purse?
I always preferred Sindy to Barbie when I was little

8. Ring Me Collection
I'm in love with these triangle rings
Such a unique idea!

9. In The Lavender Haze

10. Nail Kandy
These nails are amazing!
The colours are so 80's

That's it for this week!
Have a good evening!

Click on the pictures for item links

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!
We had a mini celebration Saturday night
It's strange, this year we really weren't that into it
Every other year we've been so excited
We both put it down to those two weeks of stressing about Sisco
But it felt strange to not get a pumpkin, so we got a little one
It's supposed to be a cat!
We made loaded vegan nachos, which were so good!
Had a few drinks and caught up on t.v.
It was nice

Only thing was all the fireworks
Poor little Sisco sat under the couch for most of the night and wouldn't even come out for treats
When she finally came out whenever she heard fireworks she'd make this face

I know she was spooked, but I had to take a photo
She looked so cute!
She settled down after and had a lot of treats
She loves the witches hat I made her last year!

If you're celebrating tonight have a great night!

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Things British Postcard

Things British have created these adorable gift idea postcards
I've very proud to say my little Gingerbread man has been featured
Check out the shop if you're in London!
Buy Handmade this Christmas!

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Cat Crazy Saturday - Halloween Tutorial

For this Cat Saturday I decided to do a tutorial to make a little costume for your cat (or dog, bunny, parrot etc)
This is my 1st tutorial on my blog, so hopefully I've explained things well!

Ok, here we go!

1. Collect everything you need
  • Card
  • Scissors
  • Pets collar
  • Ruler
  • Pen
  • Orange & Back felt
  • Pins & a needle
  • Thread (I forgot to photograph)

2. Measure the length of your pets collar

3. Take off about 2 cm's each side off the length of the collar and cut out a square based on that
Then cut it out of felt

4. Then it's time to cut out your pumpkins face. I didn't use a pattern for these as I think they look good a bit rough.
Pin them down and then sew on

5. All done! You can give the felt a little iron to flatten it down a little, it just makes it look neater

6. Fold in half and pin together

7. Next cut off the corners so it fits onto the collar and it's easier to slide the collar through

8. Sew up! I just used a basic running stitch, but if you have time I think a blanket stitch would look really nice

9. Slide the collar through

10. Next is the hardest part!
Trying to get a photograph
Sisco was very happy to just sit with it on, but she wasn't a very cooperative model!

Hope you liked it!
If you make one I'd love to see
Just leave me a link in the comments!
Have a lovely Halloween weekend!

Thursday, 27 October 2011

The Gorgonist - Monstrously Charming

Just want to share a cute new artist I've come across
The Gorgonist

My favorite is definitely the 'Homage' section
Love the Labyrinth one!

I'll be back tomorrow with Halloween tutorial for your furry friends!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

We always knew Sisco was Purrfect!

Little Sisco had her 1st proper vet check up with us today
And we're very happy to say she's very healthy
Apparently she's got amazing teeth for her age! haha
We were very proud parents!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Daily Cuteness - Rainbow Cake

How amazing is this cake?
Its a candy coloured work of art!

Visit here for more pictures

Monday, 24 October 2011

♥ Monday Etsy Loves ♥ All of my Loves ♥

Happy Monday!
Hope the week's got off to a good start for you!
I'm up to my eyes in felt and I love it!
I've just started re watching Arrested Development while I sew
I'd forgot how funny that show is!
I can't believe it's Halloween so soon
This month has just whizzed by, it's crazy!
What are your plans for Halloween? I'd love to know
I'm thinking some spooky inspired foods and creepy movie marathon

Ok, onto this weeks finds!

1. Kuma Crafts
This is almost too cute for words!!
Just look at that little face

2. Rachel Pfeffer Design
Swoooon!This ring is just magical!

3. Pretty Snake
Wear your kitty love on your legs!

4. Nyha Graphics
I loved Fab lollies when I was little

5. Burger and Friends
Sorry, I have to say it..
This is just Purrfect!

6. Pretty Petal Jewelry
I still haven't treated myself to an Amethyst necklace
This one is pretty perfect

7. Caving Inn
Dance Magic Dance!!
The attention to detail is amazing! Even his 'bump'

Hope your week is a great one!!

Click on the pictures for shop links

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Halloween Decor Ideas

As I've mentioned before, I love Halloween
I had a lot of fun things planned for my blog, but due to all the Sisco drama I fell behind
Halloween didn't interest me without my lucky little black cat
Well, now she's back so I can carry on!
There are so many amazing tutorials and ideas floating around the net and I want to share my favorites
Oh, I have a little Halloween tutorial of my own for the little furrballs in your life!
I will post it in the next few days, it's a cute one if I do say so myself

Last year I decorated a little, but I'm not doing much in our flat this year
I look forward to the day we have our own little house and can go totally crazy with it!
It's a shame it's not that much of a big deal in the U.K.
I remember going to Florida when I was little and being totally amazed at the effort people went to
And I think I spent an hour walking down the Halloween isle in K-Mart
I still have the plastic pumpkin I bough back then

Ok, onto the tutorials, hope you find some you like

This is so cute

This is so creepy!!
But totally amazing!

These are all little acorns!
What a fun idea


This is super simple, but I think it's a great idea

This is amazing, but I could never do it!
Even the picture freaks me out

Gotta include a black cat

If you've seen or done any great tutorials send me the link
I'd love to see them

Click on the photos for links