Monday, 18 April 2011

♥ Monday Etsy Loves ♥ Lots of Love ♥

Hope your Mondays has gone well!
I've been working on some pieces for my shop update
I'm loving using Spring colours and some gorgeous vintage fabrics I've had in my collection for a while
I'm excited to share them (Hopefully soon)

Here are my Etsy finds for this Monday

1. Two Egg Plants
How amazing is this?
It's a soap!

2. Donna Land

This box is so lovely!

3. Jimbo Art
Little Sisco in a dress!

4. Harriets Imagination
I've just discovered this artists work and I really love the style

5. Joo Joo
You NEED to check out this artists work
It's absolutely beautiful

6. Patks Designs
I really love the colour of the stone chips with the gold chain

7. Dragons and Beatsties
This is too cute not to feature!
I love Unicorns and I love pastel colours, so I really like this little girl!

8. LetterPress
I really love the simple style of this card

So that's it for this week!
I hope you found something you like


  1. Oh my! I want the gameboy soap! but I think I will never use it! wouldn't want to wear it out.

  2. The Gameboy soaps are awesome, and I love JooJoo's prints. Thanks for always coming through with these lovely finds to show us!

  3. Thank you for including our letterpress card, what an honor! Your blog is so much fun!

    heather & thomas


Thank you for your comments!