Monday 5 November 2012

♥ Monday Etsy Loves ♥ Latest Loves ♥

Hope your week is off to a good start!
Hopefully this will be the last night of fireworks
They've been going off for the last 4 nights for at least 4 hours
And my poor little girl is so scared
Hope all of your furr babies are ok tonight

Ok, here are my finds

1. Kate Hart xoxo
I loved Sweet Secrets when I was little!
And I used to have this house!
2.Emily Hingston
I've never liked Liquorice Allsorts
But I liked the look of them!
These gift boxes are a really cute idea!
3. Gnome Enterprises
4. Sigaliot Jewelry
This ring is really pretty!
5. Crochet Objet
This cushion is beautiful!
Remember to enter my cute cat Giveaway!

Click on the pictures to visit the shops


  1. That ring is so pretty Claire and I really like the pillow too. Adorable little dollhouse did it fold up?

    1. Yes, it folded up to look like a jewelry box. So cute!

  2. Lovely collection!
    Thank you so much for featuring my ring in your blog XOXO

  3. I love that t-shirt, that store has a rad narwhal shirt too!


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