Thursday 15 September 2011

Cuddly Rigor Mortis - Seriously Creepy & Cute!

I absolutely love art that is creepy cute!
And this is definitely that!
I first discovered Cuddly Rigor Mortis on the Shanalogic site
When I saw this print

Seriously, how can you not love it?
Unfortunately the artist slipped my mind, but lately I came across her site and fell in love again!
Her work is so cute!

If you can think of any creepy/cute artists I may like, leave a comment!
I love discovering new artists!


  1. i like the pumpkin head ones best ^-^

  2. hey i was just wondering if i could use your ice cream picture on a card. i think its super cute but they wont let me use it unless i get permission.

    1. Hi,
      This is not my art
      It belongs to Cuddly Rigor Mortis


Thank you for your comments!