Friday, 1 February 2013

Friday Favourites

Happy Friday!

Just a reminder, my sale ends tonight
15% off when you enter VALENTINE at checkout!

Here are my Favourites of the week!

I love these photos of the adorable Twinkie Chan wearing some of my cupcake brooches
How amazing are these?
Wouldn't this mold be really cute to make chocolate buttons?
This site is pretty new, but how amazing is Menswear Dog!
So handsome!
I love cinnamon!
This cinnamon bread looks yummy
I might make it this weekend
Have a great weekend!


  1. I love that dog!! I just started following "him" on Tumblr. And I want that chocolate mold, that is so cute!!

  2. the cupcakes pins are so cute!! You are super talented!
    How amazing are the beavis and butthead shoes! ahh!! xx

  3. Haha that dog looks so serious! Business dog!!
    Oh god, cinnamon bread sounds amazing

  4. aaaah the dogs are brilliant! XD


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