Sunday 22 August 2010

♥♥ Monday Etsy Loves ♥♥ And they call it Puggy Love ♥♥

Ohhhh that's right!!!
This weeks etsy post is dedicated to all things pug-licious!!!
I LOVE Pugs!!!
The smooshed up faces, stocky little bodies, good looks, even their little snorts and grunts!!!
They seem so loving and full to the brim with personality!
So here we go!
Prepare to 'Ooooh' and 'Ahhhhh' and to have your heart broken with their cuteness!

1. Aleksandar
This print is so cute!
Not only do you have a cute pug, but you also get a kitty and a ladybug!

2. Cuore
Now you can carry the cuteness around with you all day long, with this adorable clutch!

3. Sigidesign
This is definately the BEST pug ring I have ever seen!
Seriously, I NEED this!

4. Gfelted
I have nothing to really say about this, but I think the following word sums it up nicely
So sweet!
Check out the rest of the shop and prepare to fall in love

5. Gemma bear
I am a big fan of Gemma, but I think this is my favorite print

6. Dandelion land
What a sweet way to make your special day even more special!

7. Pug possessed
This is just amazing!
He's a fancy little guy, he just wants to look his best!
And, he has an important business meeting this afternoon.
What a little cutie! I want to kiss his little nose!
All together now....

I'd better leave it at that for this week.
All the ooooohing and ahhhing seems to have annoyed my cat and she's giving me dirty looks!
Jealous little lady!

Hope you liked this post as much as me!!!
Happy Monday
Start the week witha smile!

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