Saturday 1 September 2012

Cat Crazy Saturday

Happy Saturday!
Firstly, can I say
How is it September?!
Wasn't it last week I was in Brighton for my birthday?
This year is flying by and needs to slow down
I've just been pottering around the flat today as it's horrible and cold outside
C'mon sunshine, give us a little of your time?
Ok, enough of the moaning
Onto my cat loves for this week!

This geeky cat jumper is pretty cute!
Wish it came in different colours
I would love to cuddle this little babe!
This nail art is very sweet!
Lots of naughty cats on this site!
This print is really sweet!
Give your furr babies a big cuddle from me!


  1. love the cat shaming blog! have spent a lot of time over there thanks to you!! are you going to shame sisco for anything? i don't know where to start with sadie! so much to shame her

  2. Such cute stuff, I love cats! :) And I can't believe it's September either!


  3. OMG those kitty nails! SO awesome, I wish I was artistic enough to be able to pull that off!

  4. Haha, this is a fun post! Those studs are the cutest.


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