Monday 10 September 2012

♥ Monday Etsy Loves ♥ My Latest Loves ♥

Hope your week is off to a good start!
Somehow I've managed to mess up my neck again
I don't know how I did it, but it hurts like hell
Is this what getting older is like?
Ok, mini strop over!
The good thing is, today I got a lot done
You know that list of crap you really don't want to tackle?
That keeps building, and building and you try and ignore it but it keeps calling you
'Hey! You! There's some really boring things you have to do and it'll totally pee you off-we're waiting'
Well I did it! That list is ripped up and in the bin!
That may sound really dramatic, but I really didn't want to do it
I feel free! I feel like frolicking across fields!
But I can't because of this bloody neck!

1. Tiny Tangerines
Kelly-Anne has added some adorable hair clips to her shop!
2. Masons Cottage 
I love this fabric
I swear, if I was rich I wouldn't be able to hold back from buying all the cute material I come across
3. Sugar Junkie Shop
I love this print!
4. Modernaked
I think everyone needs a Unicorn ring!
5. Sweet Perversion 
Words cannot express just how much I love this!!
6. Illuminance Jewelry 
This ring is so magical!
7. Nikala Jayne
Love these colours!
Click on the photos to visit the items


  1. Ahh, I wish I could tear up my annoying to do list!! Alas, it just keeps growing...

    Cute etsy finds! I love the Sugar Junkie shop!

    1. It felt good!
      Although, this is just ONE of my lists! :-/
      Onward and upward!

  2. GREAT list! That unicorn ring is AMAZING!


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