Saturday 8 September 2012

Cat Crazy Saturday

Happy Caturday!
I love doing these posts, but always spend hours doing it as I get distracted by the cute cats!
I've just bought Sisco some new collars
My baby's gotta look good! haha

Prepare to see some amazing cats!
Oh god!
This is too much!
I love this artists animal photography
This first one is amazing!
I don't bake much
But if I had these cookies cutters I would!
I don't know where this is from, but it's amazing!
This card set is very sweet!
Give your furr babies a tummy rub from me


  1. Awesome finds as always!! is that first picture a real kitten.. cause I can't actually deal with how cute that is!! :D and the sweatshirt cracks me up, if we ever start a gang we should totally hunt that down and make it our uniform! Seriously.. how good would we look, hahaha. xx
    (also thanks for your awesome comment on my last post, I replied over there anyway but Thanks!!)

    1. I know! It's so cute I can't handle it!
      I love that jumper, I showed Paul and he just looked at me as if to say 'oh god' haha!
      I saw the lovely reply! Thanks hun

  2. Ah those kitty cookie cutters. SO CUTE!! Also, I really like the photographs above it. Something about those super fluffy kitties with that look... so funny!

  3. hahaha that banana baby is sooooo cute! I think boy brains are different..I had to explain it for so long to make my boyf understand I mean wats not to understand about that!!??


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