This weeks Etsy post isn't themed
It's just a list of things I really love right now
Seriously, I could spend hours on Etsy (I actually probably do!)
There are so many Amazingly talented designers on there and so many adorable vintage bits and Bobs
Hope you find something you like in my selection!
1. Scrumptious Delight
These are so pretty!

2. Sadie Designs CA
I love crystal jewellery and this is so pretty!

3. Retro Stash
Perfect for Christmas!
And perfect for gingerbread lattes!

4. Mark Stratis
Check out this designers work!
Pink + Hello Kitty + Rhinestones = Perfect!
Love this table so much!
And the couch
And the chairs

5. J Stinson
So clever and gorgeous colours!

6. Spatters and Jayne
Wow, I think I'd fall asleep if I wore this
It looks so cosy!

7. Firefall Studios
I love this because when I was little I had a ring just like this from a toy shop
Except it was 50p and plastic
Love this grown up version!

8. Rosie Music
Love this!

9. Toosis

10. Taylor Says
I can't wear heels as I am too clumsy!
But, these are AMAZING!!!!
If could wear heels, I'd definately want these
They're like the perfect present for a Wizard of Oz fan!

11. Fly By Designs
I adore Friendship bracelets
I've got my eye on that little cupcake one!

12. Shrinkle
This is just AMAZING!!!

13. Purple Lobster
Love this Girly&Punk Headband

14. The Pins Pals
So sweet!

15. Wahaha Factory
Cute kitsch Kitties!!!

16. Vintage 50's Eyewear
I love these so so much!

Nice picks. Thank you for choosing one of my designs to your lovely list. Toosis