Hope you're week is off to a good start
We've been doing a bit of 'spring' cleaning and the flat feels SO much better!
It's good to have a sort through every now and then
Plus, I always end up discovering things I'd forgotten about
I think I'm about 15% hoarder!
Now, onto my to-do list for the day
But first, here's my latest loves!
1. My Bookmark
This is such a great idea!

2. Doodle Cats
Love that Beth's using her talents to create awareness
There are so many cats out there needing a home
I'd love another one or two, but Sisco is a solitary cat

3. Berkley Illustration
Love this!
Whenever I see a fortune telling machine, I have to have a go!

4. Bamfkat

5. Ruff House Art
Love these!

6. Kin Ship Press
What a good message for 1st thing in the morning!

7. Hug A Porcupine
These are so cute!
What an adorable idea!

8. Thoroughly Modern Me
So sweet!

Have a good week!!
Click on the pictures to visit the shops
Hi-Thank you for noticing my kitty pillows. Glad you like them. Your blog is very cute and spunky. Nice way to start a Monday reading all your creative ideas and inspiration.