Monday 28 November 2011

♥ Monday Etsy Loves ♥ Latest Loves ♥

Happy Monday!
Did you know it's December in a few days?
Ahhh! Where has this year gone?
It's just flown by
I've decided I'm probably going to close my Etsy shop over Christmas
Since I've been at Things British my Etsy shop has been neglected
So I'm reopening after Christmas and giving it the attention it deserves!
I've got lots of little plans and ideas and I'm excited about what the new year will bring
I'll be running coupon codes for the next few weeks, so take a look
And grab a bargain

Ok, onto this weeks finds!

1. Joey Design
These stickers are so cute!

2. Mills Design Co
These pillows are so beautiful!

3. Trafalgars Square

4. Lorenzo the Cat
If you like cats, you need to check out this shop
Lorenzo best dressed cat in America
Read the 'about me' profile on Etsy, it's so funny!

5. Frieda Sophie
These are gorgeous!

6. Patrick Irla Jewelry
So pretty!

Hope you found something you like!


  1. i know! it's crazy to think December is just around the corner! the time seems to have flown by.
    Lovely pictures in this post...thanks for sharing =]

  2. Thanks for including my pillows! Great blog :)

  3. All of these make me go "oooooooo!"


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