Saturday 5 May 2012

Cat Crazy Saturday

Happy Caturday!
I'm so glad it's the weekend!
I've found some cuties this week
But I'm really in love with the last one!

These earrings are sweet!

This vest is really cute!

I love this chubby kitty mug!

A little much maybe?

I'm totally in love with this site!
To sum it up
i'm in your song lyrics, making them about kitties 
Here are a few of my favorites  

Give your furr babies a big cuddle from me!


  1. I would happily have that chair in my house!! ;)
    happy caturday xx

  2. i love those posters! oh my

  3. Hahaha...the song lyrics are hilarious! It may not be a huge surprise but I LOVE that cat chair!! :)

  4. That mug is so cute. I had a dresser just like that years ago, I wish I had kept it now. Look forward to seeing you new stuff.

    Have a happy Monday!


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