Tuesday 1 May 2012

Daily Cuteness - Adorable Illustrations

Happy 1st May!
Last night we had a crazy thunderstorm!
The rain was so heavy, it was quite scary!
But it's always nice to be safe and warm inside when there's a storm
Sisco came in looking like a little drowned rat!
I took this photo at night on my phone, so it's not good quality
But I had to post it!

She's so beautiful!

I've featured one of the cat prints from this shop before
But I never noticed the puppies!
I love the artists style
And how adorable are the paper dogs?
Check out more here


  1. So cute Claire. I love this illustrations. Sisco looks very cozy and content.

  2. Thanks for posting this !! love it x


  3. Sooo cute! I am in love with pugs at the moment.
    xx PC


  4. Aww poor Sisco! I get so worried when mine are out in a storm :( and oh my goodness I'm STILL giggling from the "Me so Thorny" picture!!


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